What is coaching and what is the role of a coach?

Years 2020 and 2021 have placed a mirror in front of us. It forced most of us to live differently compared to what we imagined, to do things we were not prepared for, to change our view of freedom. And they showed us how capable and willing we are to adapt. Usually, people are looking for a way to achieve their goals, to build and maintain good relationships. Of course, this is not true for everyone, but life somehow encourages us to look for ways that will lead us in the right direction in life.  Coaching is a conversation in which the coach helps, supports, and motivates the coachee to find answers to their questions. It helps him discover the hidden potential that a person has inside him. The coach assumes that we each carry the answers to our questions, and we also have enough internal resources to make things happen, make it a personal commitment. It brings changes to the client that improve his self-perception, change his attitude to life and improves his abilities in relationships with people.

Do not expect advice from me on what and how to do or change. However, what you can expect is a creative and supportive environment and a number of questions that will “force” you to find your hidden reserves and move in your dream direction. My task will be to lead you towards your desired goal. But you will have to walk yourself.

Coaching is suitable for anyone who is willing to move forward and do something for themselves. And it is the same for a relationship. Sometimes it needs 2 to change it, sometimes one has the power to do it. Do not give it up.